Piano Lesson

Piano Lesson

Piano is considered an ideal instrument for all ages. It is one of the easiest and most user-friendly instrument. As early as  age four is recommended to start their music journey.

Learning music at an early age can make structural changes within the brain that develops with you for the rest of your life. 

Here in PDEM we build a firm foundation and understanding of music. We ensure to impart their knowledge on music Theory(Note Reading), Rhythm, Scales, Piano Techniques, Memory Training, Efficient Practice, Chords, Ear Training and other related performance practices.

Playing the piano can improve your overall aural awareness no matter where you fall in this range. Playing the piano trains you to recognize tones, intervals, and chords as well as helping you to develop a sense of pitch. 

Furthermore, piano playing offers different physical and physiological advantages to players. It sharpens fine motor skills, improves dexterity and hand-eye coordination. Playing the piano also makes your hands and arm muscles much stronger than the average person.
