
Here in Prelude de Musique we encourage students to perform in our musical recitals, we have a regular performance that are important way for students to learn and grow, here is everything you need to know about our recitals!

Our recitals take place twice or thrice a year, we host our recitals on different places. Participation in recitals is always encouraged for all students.

Public performance is a major element of modern performing arts. Giving children the opportunity to perform in a friendly, informal environment comes with many benefits. Music recitals can help kids fight stage fright, gain confidence, develop certain essential skills, help students goal-set in lessons, feeling of accomplishment and pride in students, and get improvements in different aspects of life.

  It’s easy to allow your child to opt out of performing in recitals for one reason or another: performance anxiety, relative inexperience with music, or they simply don’t want to, but at  Prelude de Musique, we firmly believe that every child should participate in recitals! Here are our top five reasons why:

1. Recitals help students gain confidence in front of an audience. The personal and individual benefits of studying music are numerous, but one of our favorite parts of playing an instrument is getting to share it with our family, friends, and loved ones. Our recitals give students the opportunity to practice sharing their skills in front of an audience and become more comfortable doing so. Additionally, being comfortable in front of an audience in a musical setting that prepares your child for all future scenarios in which they would need to be in front of an audience, like school presentations or speeches.

2. Recitals help students goal-set in lessons. Goal setting is an incredible skill that will serve the student for the rest of their life. Having the ability to set reasonable goals and see them come to fruition helps build confidence, renew enthusiasm in their musical endeavors, and maintain motivation in practicing.

3. Recitals instill a feeling of accomplishment and pride in our students. Nothing feels better than succeeding at something you’ve worked hard for months. Hearing the applause after nailing a piece you’ve worked on for a long time instills pride in students and motivates them to continue to improve in their lessons!

4. Recitals provide an opportunity to hear students’ peers perform. Individualized instruction is one of the greatest components of private music lessons. However, that one-on-one time with the teacher comes at the cost of not hearing what other students are working on. Recitals are an incredible chance to celebrate the music made by your friends. Music is a collaborative experience, and nothing showcases that like our recitals!

5. Performing in multiple recitals a year allow students, teachers, and loved ones to hear marked improvement.  One of the most common questions of parents about their child’s progress is “Is my child improving?” Many parents don’t always get to hear their child practice, Recitals allow parents to hear the improvements their child has made since their last performance.

Here at Prelude de musique, we love recital season because of all of the positive benefits we listed above. If your child is hesitant about performing in recitals, take a few minutes and have a conversation with them about what performing in a recital could do for them. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher or to the our management team. 

Recitals offer students an incredible opportunity to not only show their families their progress but also to set goals and work towards them. Check out some feedback from our Preludee families below and see for yourself just how big of an impact recitals can have!